
Working From Home: Addressing Workspace Disruptions

Working from home is slowly becoming normalized all over the world. As the COVID-19 pandemic spread, people had no choice but to stay home. As offices closed worldwide, many turned their homes into temporary workspaces. This work setup has become a by-product of the various quarantine protocols many governments have imposed on their citizens.

Working From Home

Working from home has proven to be a challenge for many. People seem to be more exhausted now that they are working from home. Workers are also observed to experience job burnout as they stay at home for work. This is not a coincidence.

Our Homes Are Not Built for Office Work 

Working from home does introduce workers to novel situations. Our homes are not optimized for office work. Working from home essentially erases the distinction between work and home life.

Work life and home life are often seen as opposites. And there is an excellent foundation to think so. Our homes are where we rest and prepare to conquer the day ahead. Work can be exhausting and stressful. Mixing both alters the way one sleeps.

Merging both can affect one’s productivity at work. They may be less productive because they have to deal with home matters. Also, most homes are not prepared for office work can play a factor in this lack of productivity.

Does the Workspace at Home Matter? 

The home workspace matters when working from home. Some people are fortunate enough to have home offices. But many home workspaces are make-shift office workstations located anywhere in the house.

Many people work from their bedrooms. Others set up their workstation in the living room. Wherever they choose to create their home workstation, they should know that their environment is a significant factor in their work. Let’s discuss several factors that may disrupt one’s work experience at home.


For one, some home workspaces may be uncomfortable. Keep in mind that these workspaces are improvised. Many people find a table, put their laptops before them, and start working.

Although workspaces should not be too relaxing, creating a sense of comfort in these spaces is still essential. Creating a comfortable workplace is essentially minimizing feelings of discomfort. This can mitigate the stress people may experience working inside their homes.

With that, they should find the most comfortable chair they can find. They can also try to control the temperature in their rooms. Having the temperature on extreme levels may disrupt their workflow. They can check in with furnace service providers to help them with their temperature concerns.


Finding comfort as they work is closely tied to ergonomics. Ergonomic practitioners study how the tools used for work can preserve the comfort and safety of the person using them. Many ergonomic tools and techniques have been developed to ensure the worker is comfortable and productive.

People who choose to work from home can avail of these ergonomic products. These can significantly create a more comfortable workstation for them. It also avoids any injuries caused by too much work.

Home Noises Can Be Disruptive

A house can be noisy. For instance, kids may play in the background, or the dogs may be barking too loud. These sources of noise can be incredibly disruptive to one’s work.

Loud noises can be disturbing. They make it hard for people to concentrate on their tasks. When these noises persist, it can be hard to finish anything.

With that, people who work from home should be wise about creating their workstations. If options are limited, they can make them in their bedrooms. They should assess what types of noises occur in their living spaces. Knowing the source can help them avoid it.

House Chores

We all need to do chores. When one works from home, they are more likely to do their house chores as they work. But attending to them while attending to work tasks can interrupt the work momentum. This may lead to poor output in both the work tasks and the chores.

Creating a solid schedule can remedy this. People who work from home have fewer boundaries. But they can develop programs that help them structure their daily activities. Of course, once they create a daily schedule, they should try their best to stick to it.

Our environment influences the way we work. Working from home does have its own set of challenges regarding workspaces. But these challenges can quickly be addressed through innovative thinking and intelligent adaptation.

Jeremy D. Mena
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