
What Factors Affect Your Sleep and How Can You Deal with Them?

While it’s apparent that good sleep is vital to overall health, there is no exact definition of excellent sleep. In general, only you can determine your sleep quality. Sleep quality for all of us may differ because we have different habits, lifestyles, and needs, impacting sleep.

Experts consider many factors when evaluating sleep quality, including bedroom ambiance, daytime sleep habits, and sleep disturbances. In addition, the daytime experience can also impact a person’s quality of sleep.

Furthermore, it’s important to note that sleep quantity and quality are two different things. But even though sleep quality and quantity are not alike, they are both influenced by sleep hygiene. For example, some people may sleep for an extended period but are frequently disturbed. Therefore, it can’t be considered good quality sleep.

Affect Your Sleep

The Importance of Sleep Quality

Generally, good sleep is vital for health, but let’s discuss its importance further. Sleep is a basic human need, like drinking, eating, and breathing. It can affect your ability to energize and feel rested the following day, allowing you to perform at your full potential. Good sleep quality provides maximum support to your physical and mental health, ultimately contributing to your overall quality of life.

Sleep also affects physical development. And that is why children, infants, teens, and even adults, need enough rest every day. Regardless of age, people need adequate sleep to prevent getting sick or to fight illnesses.

Lack of sleep and poor sleep quality can cause many adverse effects on health. Sadly, these effects can be physiological, putting an individual at risk of high blood pressure, heart disease, and stroke. Sleep deprivation can also result in psychological health issues, including irritability and the risk of depression and anxiety.

Factors Affecting Sleep Quality

Your sleep hygiene is the main culprit for poor sleep quality. Here are the main factors that affect the quality of sleep you get.

  • Irregular sleep schedule.

You’ll have disrupted sleep if you go to bed at different times daily. The best way to resolve this is by going to bed at precisely the same time each day. Doing so can significantly improve your sleep as your body automatically realizes it’s time to sleep.

  • Sleep environment.

You might think being tired is enough to sleep soundly, but your sleep environment can significantly impact your sleep. For instance, rooms with dim lights and comfortable mattresses can sleep better than uncomfortable settings.

  • She was drinking alcohol or caffeine before bed.

Too much coffee or alcohol before bedtime can interrupt your sleep significantly. Therefore, avoiding these beverages is wiser if you intend to get a good night’s sleep.

  • Drugs.

Most drugs have side effects, and some of them include interrupted sleep. These drugs can often increase the need to wake up at night to go to the restroom. As a result, you’ll feel sleepy in the morning. Talk to your doctor about the side effects of your medication.

  • Sleep disorders.

Because signs and symptoms of sleep orders typically occur during sleep, they often go undiagnosed. As a result, a person tends to get interrupted sleep without knowing the reason. If your sleep is constantly disrupted, it’s advisable to seek professional help.

  • Snoring.

Many people think that snoring is not something to worry about. But snoring is often a sign that something is not quite right. For instance, excessive snoring is a common symptom of OSA or obstructive sleep apnea.

  • Mental health problems.

We have mentioned that sleep can affect physical and mental health. That’s why it’s no surprise that your sleep gets interrupted whenever you feel anxious or depressed. Talking to a health professional is the best way to overcome sleep deprivation due to mental health problems.

Evaluating Sleep Quality

You can calculate how well you sleep at home by answering the following questions:

  1. How long does it take you to sleep deeply?
  2. How long do you sleep on regular days?
  3. Do you wake up in the middle of your sleep? How long? And how long does it take you to go back to sleep?

Keeping a sleep diary can help determine if you are getting quality sleep. Before consulting a specialist, it’s ideal to observe yourself first. It would also be helpful to write down your sleep habits and hygiene so the doctor can help you better.

If, despite your efforts, your sleep is still frequently disturbed at night, talking to an expert is advised. Besides, a sleep diary can help you determine factors that affect your sleep. You can make the necessary adjustments to sleep better at night through this.

Jeremy D. Mena
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