
7 Golden Rules of Exam Preparation for Higher Marks

Many people mistake not being strict and disciplined in their preparations before a big exam. A couple of hours to skim through readings and other study materials might be enough to get a passing grade, but it’s not a guarantee. Is it worth risking your final stage for your licensure exam, entrance exam, or general contractor CE class?

Different tests have different levels of difficulty. But regardless of the kind of test, it’s always best to be ready for it. Instilling self-discipline to prepare for a test doesn’t just contribute to the final grade. It reduces the risk of retaking the exam or the class too.

Study Group

Here’s a list of essential tips on acing all your tests:

Don’t Cram

Almost everyone has tried at least once in their life to cram the night before the exam. Although this can prove effective for other people, not the same can be said for everybody else. The pressure of the time constraint, causing your brain little to no time to incubate the study material, is a recipe for a mental block. Even if a student could cram at least most of the chapters for the exam, it’s almost inevitable that they will experience some mental block.

Instead of having a last-minute cramming session, space out your study sessions over a more extended period to facilitate the information to long-term memory. This is less strain on the brain and your final grade.

Have Enough Sleep 

Even if you end up having late-night study sessions, always do your best to get at least seven to eight hours of sleep. After the stress and pressure of studying, the brain needs rest. Sleep also gets rid of all the toxins collected in the brain that were collected during your waking hours. Additionally, a well-rested brain is essential for memory recall and concentration.

Eat on Time 

Nobody would like to deal with the nagging pain of hunger during an exam. Not only is it a cause of stress and discomfort, but it can also compromise a test taker’s focus. An empty stomach affects a person’s brain health and performance during the test. Research shows that those that eat a good breakfast before an exam have higher scores than those who don’t. In the same light, be sure to stay hydrated too!

Stay Active

We all know that exercise has too many benefits to count. Regular exercise contributes to the improvement of cognitive performance, especially memory. Even if it’s just an afternoon walk every afternoon, it makes a difference in brain function! Numerous studies have found that those who exercise have more volume in the brain areas that govern thinking and memory than people who don’t.

Take Note of the Pointers

Maybe your teacher hinted at what topics will be covered during the exam. Perhaps they’ll give out the study coverage themselves. Keep your pointers or a list of must-study chapters and topics. This list can depend on which topics need more attention or issues you know your teacher is biased towards. It’s always best not to be so by the book all the time; look up and observe which topics bear more significance than the rest, and be sure to cover those well.

Cater To Your Learning Style

Are you a visual learner or an audio learner? Whichever you are, use it to your advantage as you study for your exam. Reinforce your study session by making mind maps if you’re a visual learner or reading your class notes if you’re an audio learner. You can also do both! The more the senses are engaged in reviewing, the better the retention. But prioritize catering to your learning style first, as this would be the best way to digest study material.

Form a Study Group

Get together with other students who’ll be taking this exam with you. This is an opportunity to question one other and clear up any misunderstandings. Working together to solve problems can help you all better understand the content. Moreover, explaining, discussing, and revisiting topics can further enhance memory retention of the study material.

Preparing for an exam is more than just studying. Although applying study tricks and tips such as forming a study group, catering to your learning style, or spreading your study sessions are essential, there’s more to exam preparation. Eating on time, getting enough sleep, and regular exercise are critical to keeping your brain healthy, study-ready, and exam-ready.

Jeremy D. Mena
Alcohol geek. Future teen idol. Web practitioner. Problem solver. Certified bacon guru. Spent 2002-2009 researching plush toys in Miami, FL. Won several awards for exporting tar in Libya. Uniquely-equipped for managing human growth hormone in Libya. Spent a weekend implementing fried chicken on the black market. Spoke at an international conference about working on carnival rides in Miami, FL. Developed several new methods for donating jack-in-the-boxes in Edison, NJ.