World News


One of the most beneficial aspects of clean energy is the environmental advantages as part of a green energy future. Clean energy sources play a crucial role in maintaining global natural resources and preventing ecological disasters like problems with natural gas leaks and fuel spills. Clean energy means that no harmful pollutants are emitted into the air during energy production processes, which keeps our environment pollution-free.

Printable organic solar cells

Many technologies continue to emerge in the clean energy sector as they help propel the world into new green power in the future. Let us look at the most notable ones in detail.

Floating wind turbines

Floating wind turbines are the solution to unlocking offshore wind power generation from deep waters where the wind is more potent and steadier. Unlike the standard offshore wind turbines erected in sea beds, floating wind turbines are based on offshore gas technologies and floating oil. The floating wind turbines are anchored with just a few cables into deeper waters and benefit less obtrusive installations.

Many first-world countries like the UK and Japan have shown great interest in wind power generation from floating wind turbines. According to an industrial supplier for wind turbines, floating wind power generation technology is gaining momentum, which is a great stride towards adopting clean energy.

Biomass gasification technology

Converting biomass into gas for combustion purposes to generate power has been around for quite a while. It is a beneficial way of transforming biomass wastes into clean and reliable electrical energy. Emerging technology in this field is an advanced biomass gasification powerplant that involves a gasifier system converting solid biomass into clean energy through thermochemical processes.

The thermochemical process involves various stages of drying, pyrolysis, and gasification. This technology has potential, especially in countries where vast amounts of biomass waste can produce energy rather than heading for landfills.

Printable organic solar cells

Printable organic cells have emerged in solar energy to revolutionize photovoltaic solar power generation. It uses semiconducting inks printed directly onto stretchable thin plastic to open up new solar installation options and reduce the cost of solar cells.

Organic solar cells are lightweight and can be laminated onto irregular surfaces like building walls exposed to sunlight. They can also be built into the construction materials directly. Another advantage is that solar cells consisting of plastic polymers perform better under low light conditions.

Tidal energy technology

Tidal energy generation technology is at its initial stages, whereby buoys, offshore floats, and underwater turbines generate energy from ocean tides and waves. The Swedish marine energy technology developed an underwater floating device known as Deep Green,, designed with a hydrodynamic wing and a gearless turbine installed into the ocean bed for power generation.

Tidal lagoons are another emerging technology to aid the efforts of harnessing power from ocean tides. The rate of innovation in the new technology is a promise that tidal energy could appear as a viable solution to harness clean energy.


It is great to see innovative technologies emerging in the clean energy sector, which indicates that the world is making significant moves in diversifying energy generation for a green world.

Jeremy D. Mena
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