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The Most Common Irrigation Methods

Agriculture is the backbone of many countries because it is required for the survival of every living thing. Regarding growing crops, irrigation is one of the major processes. Irrigation is an artificial water application to the soil via different sprays, tubes, and pumps. Irrigation water may come from the groundwater through reservoirs, springs, lakes, or rivers. As a result, it is important to protect the water source to reduce the potential for contamination. Whether it is your first time being an agriculturist or you have enough experience in the field, here are the most common irrigation methods you can use:

1. Flood Irrigation

This is among the oldest irrigation methods. In this type, you will flood the field with water, giving it more time for the soil to absorb. This method is also commonly used, though it has some severe downsides. One of the biggest downsides is the sheer amount of water used. Plants and soil may only absorb water faster, so it is vital to determine how the field will respond to various water applications.


2. Surface Irrigation

Mostly, surface irrigation is used in orchards and field crops. According to experts at Pumpbiz, gravity is used to supply water from the irrigation source to the plants with the help of pipes, canals, and pumps. The efficiency of this irrigation method mainly depends on the crop type and soil. Unlike other methods, water losses in this type of irrigation are higher. Surface irrigation is categorized into three major types; these are:

  • Border irrigation
  • Basin irrigation
  • Furrow irrigation

3. Drip Irrigation

This entails using pipes, which have small openings referred to as drippers. Normally, these drippers trickle in water at a low rate on the soil. This method only waters soil, which closely surrounds plants, to keep it moist. It is suitable for trees and row crops where all drippers supply water to the plants. The plants cultivated in lines may all receive enough water, making them ideal for hilly areas. Besides being convenient on slopes, drip irrigation saves water, boosts seed germination, and is suitable for fertilizer application.

4. Sprinklers

These irrigation methods are easy to use and affordable. They are normally attached to the sections of hose pipes using connectors and can supply water through water tanks or pumps. Water droplets are also rained down in circles so that this irrigation can cover much ground. However, as the irrigation system sends water from a height to wider areas, it will not be effective compared to other irrigation methods. Better still, you can leave sprinklers to irrigate your plants until they need to be stopped or moved, giving you enough time to take care of other things, like well-deserved rest or farm work.

Final Say!

Irrigation is among the most useful things in humanity. There are many effective methods of irrigating crops, though the key point is to supply water to your crops efficiently and effectively. The earth and everything in it depends on many things, and among those things are plants. Hence, you need one of the above irrigation techniques for agriculture since rain solely depends on the season, like in the temperate season.

Jeremy D. Mena
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