
Your Big City Move: Survival Pointers for an Easy Transition

No question that living in the countryside is fantastic. You can breathe clean air every morning, have a peaceful alone time, and enjoy scenic views. But that doesn’t mean moving into the big city is bad. Metropolitan areas offer plenty of things to try and opportunities to take.

City Move

Are you planning to move soon? The big city is perfect if you love going to shopping malls or eating at high-end restaurants. Big cities offer better job opportunities, comprehensive transportation systems, vast entertainment places, social amenities, and potentially the best medical service. Read on to find out how you can survive in the big city.

1. Get a job fast

Let’s get real; surviving city life without a good job would be impossible. Big cities are well-known for offering more job opportunities. The best way is to secure a career in the big city before moving. But if you must move immediately, you’ll need to dive deeper into your chosen industry to find an opportunity.

It would help if you were mentally and physically prepared when fighting for a position in your dream company. However, the competition is more challenging too. A hundred applicants could be looking to get the same job as you, so you need to stand out.

2. Rent or buy a home

An average person moving to a big city typically looks for an apartment to rent out. This is a popular accommodation choice for many, especially those moving last minute. If hunting for a rental apartment is the best option, find a safe living space. Look for a place with tight security and a good building structure.

Don’t compromise your safety just because you want to save money. Nonetheless, rent in big cities is not cheap anyway. Monthly rents can start from $850 to $4,000, depending on the type of space and exact location.

However, buying a house can be a better financial move if you plan for the long term and want to start a family in the city. You can apply for a low-interest home loan with good credit standing. If this is your first time, you can go for a loan for first-time homebuyers. Some mortgage lenders offer various loan programs for people with poor credit scores or low income. Choose the one that suits your financial situation and goals.

3. Find your tribe

Making friends is not always easy and often depends on you too. Making new friends in a big city can be challenging if you’re reserved or a significant introvert. Still, surround yourself with like-minded people who can help you flourish. They can be your new coworkers or individuals living in the same apartment building or neighborhood you’re in.

You can also visit co-working spaces, fitness clubs, or passion-specific places in the city to meet a bigger crowd. Or you can attend public events in the city. Search for ones you can listen to.

4. Relieve stress at home

Living in a big city doesn’t mean you should force yourself to get out more. The first year can be demanding and stressful, so don’t skip a stress-relieving and relaxing activity after a busy day. Find an outlet that you can enjoy in your own living space. Watch a television show or movie or read a book. Write or paint if you’re artistically inclined.

Other helpful ideas include practicing yoga, cooking, and cleaning the house. No matter your preferences, taking time to unwind is a smart way to clear your mind from the hustle and bustle of city living.

5. Always leave early

Unfortunately, leaving your home early is part of city living. This can be a hard adjustment for someone used to no-traffic country roads and peaceful, fresh-air drives. Big cities are busy areas, which means there are plenty of opportunities for delays. Avoid commuting or driving during rush hour.

If getting up and leaving early is difficult, research alternative routes to work. Local cab drivers are perfect resources for this. Nonetheless, prepare for traffic issues because they’re common in almost every big city.

Moving into a new city requires proper planning, so don’t rush things. Living in a metropolitan area can be overwhelming. Not to mention life,e there is fast-paced too. Take your time to prepare and adjust. And don’t forget to enjoy the amenities and benefits of the big city.

Jeremy D. Mena
Alcohol geek. Future teen idol. Web practitioner. Problem solver. Certified bacon guru. Spent 2002-2009 researching plush toys in Miami, FL. Won several awards for exporting tar in Libya. Uniquely-equipped for managing human growth hormone in Libya. Spent a weekend implementing fried chicken on the black market. Spoke at an international conference about working on carnival rides in Miami, FL. Developed several new methods for donating jack-in-the-boxes in Edison, NJ.