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Those who work in an office know that it is essential to manage office supplies. You don’t want to run out of basic needs like pens, toner cartridges, envelopes, and papers. You may have the right supplies, but everything goes for a toss if you can’t find them on time. Hence it is essential to track your spending and follow inventory management. Office work becomes easier to deal with if you maintain a proper inventory of office supplies. Nobody likes to stand still, especially office work, so here are a few tips to help you easily manage a list of office supplies.


To manage anything, you first need a manager, so if you want to manage your inventory of office supplies, first appoint a manager or a gatekeeper. A gatekeeper has the idea of everything right, from knowing what is on hand to how long it has been there. They make the recording and monitoring of the supply area easy. You often fail to locate where is what, but if you have a gatekeeper, things shall be available at your fingertips. The less access more people have to your supply area, the better, as items will be kept in order and not misplaced.


FIFO stands for first in, first out. This term is an accounting term, which means that the items in the purchased inventory should be used first, as, in this way, the article’s value shall remain accurate. This also helps the list not to become old and obsolete. You should use the things that are purchased. First, you can ask your employees to use this inventory by putting them on forwarding shelves. Ink tends to dry out with time, so the sooner you use it, the better. This method helps to reduce waste and keep your inventory as good as new.



If you can maintain an inventory of office supplies, you can opt for various business opportunities resulting in discount savings. If you accumulate these savings, you can buy the most popular item in bulk. If you believe your supplies are from one vendor, use the power to negotiate with him on a small purchase. Suppliers offer reward programs; use them as much as possible. This market is highly competitive, so you must determine which company provides the best program.


Last but not least, an essential point to manage the inventory of office supplies is the organization of those supplies. If you want an efficient system, it is time to make a system that helps employees access what and when they need it. The articles should be within reach; to do that, you can keep them at eye level. Those items that are no longer in use throw them away, while those not used often follow them on higher shelves. Use post on and label which supply is kept where. Keeping the area in order and clean will save a lot of time. Also, replace items with enough lead time to keep from running out, especially critical items.

Jeremy D. Mena
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